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Five Interesting Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Braces

November 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:07 pm
close-up of smile with metal braces

When you hear the word “orthodontics,” your first thought probably isn’t “how interesting.” But there’s more to braces than you might initially think. For instance, when you visit an orthodontist in Roswell, you’re interacting with a field that has been around for over 300 years. Keep reading to learn more fun and surprising facts about braces. 

#1: Modern orthodontics was started in France

While humans have been coming up with ways to straighten their teeth for centuries (see the point below), braces, as we know them today, were first invented in France. Pierre Fauchard, a French physician, is credited for creating metal braces in 1728. He used a piece of metal in the shape of a horseshoe to expand the palate and published a book about the method to share with other physicians interested in altering dental alignment. 

#2: There’s evidence of ancient braces in Egypt

But way before Dr. Fauchard was on the orthodontic scene, ancient peoples were coming up with inventive ways to alter the alignment of their teeth. Evidence on mummies shows that Egyptians used materials like dried sheep and horse intestines to form cords that could be tied on metal posts in the mouth. It surely wasn’t the most sanitary or comfortable way to shift misaligned teeth, but they were onto the basic principles of orthodontics.

#3: NASA had a hand in developing braces

NASA is known for sending rockets into outer space, but their research into metals for space shuttles actually created a big advancement for braces. The alloy that’s used for brackets and wires was originally intended for spacecraft – but its ability to maintain shape when bent makes for an excellent material for orthodontic braces as well. 

#4: Braces can improve your dental health

In addition to promoting good jaw health, improving your confidence, and making it easier to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, some of the types of cement that are used to attach braces to your tooth enamel actually contain fluoride. This substance helps strengthen tooth enamel, reducing the risk of tooth decay. 

#5: Orthodontists are dentists, too

Sort of like how every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square, every orthodontist is a dentist – but not every dentist is an orthodontist. That means that when you visit your orthodontist, you can be sure that you are receiving holistic care that is concerned with your teeth and gum health as well as the alignment of your teeth. Even if your orthodontist won’t be the one to fill a cavity, they will make sure to remind you to stay on top of your visits to your dentist and alert you if anything looks concerning. 

Now that you know these 5 fun facts about braces, don’t be afraid to set someone straight the next time they say orthodontics is boring! 

Meet the Practice

Serenity Orthodontics offers personalized and innovative dental care that’s guaranteed to leave you smiling from the moment you first call to book your appointment. Our team of orthodontists and dental professionals has decades of experience providing quality orthodontic care for patients across their 5 convenient locations. For questions about braces or to book an appointment, call their office at (678) 879-3006. 

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