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4 Valentine’s Day Dental Gifts

February 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:15 am
person giving their partner Valentine’s Day dental gifts

Every Valentine’s Day, partners go on romantic dates, eat lots of seasonal treats, and give each other thoughtful gifts. If you have dinner planned out but aren’t sure what kind of present to give your partner, why not give them one that will promote a healthy smile? Continue reading to learn about four ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts that will help your loved one keep their smile in good condition.


Can Your Old Retainer Re-Straighten Your Teeth?

February 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:07 am
person holding Invisalign and smiling

For many, getting braces as a teenager is a right of passage. This symbolizes becoming an adult and achieving a smile that you’ll be proud to show off for the rest of your days. Unfortunately, for some people, this beautiful beam doesn’t last as long as intended. If you still have your old retainer, you may be wondering if popping it on will help you move your teeth back into the right position. Keep reading to learn if this is a good way to fix your crooked teeth.


How Gum Disease Can Harm Your Heart & How a Straight Smile Can Help

February 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 6:37 pm
person smiling and holding up large paper heart

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is an infection that is often the result of a bad oral hygiene routine. Gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease, can usually be treated and even reversed with good oral hygiene and frequent in-office dental cleanings. But, when the infection progresses into periodontitis, this may lead to a variety of problems, including heart issues. Fortunately, straightening your smile can help. Continue reading to learn how periodontal disease is linked to heart health and what orthodontics can do to prevent it.


4 Oral Hygiene Products for Braces This Children’s Dental Health Month

February 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — serenityortho @ 4:00 am
closeup of smile with braces

It’s Children’s Dental Health Month, and that means it’s the perfect time of the year to get your child some new oral hygiene products. Though there is a range of products on the market, children who have braces may need different tools to keep their smiles in good shape. Continue reading to learn about four products that will help your child keep their smile healthy this month and beyond.
